Brazilian butt lift is a plastic surgery, which is performed to increase the size and give volume to the buttocks with the help of biological material (fat from the human body). Adipose tissue is suitable for transplantation, taken from the places of its greatest accumulation – the abdomen, hips, etc. Lipofilling is a surgical intervention to increase or correct the gluteal region by transplanting your belly fat, for example. BBL is considered a safer procedure than buttock augmentation with special implants. It has many advantages that have made butt lift not only in Sydney but worldwide.
Indications for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery
- pronounced, noticeable asymmetry of the buttocks;
- the acquisition by the buttocks of an ugly form as a consequence of age-related changes, sudden weight loss (or weight gain), as well as after injuries and operations;
- ptosis of soft tissues, sinking in the middle part;
- the presence of congenital or acquired retracted scars, scars that do not look aesthetically pleasing;
- as a complex supplement after plastic surgery for pumping fat – liposuction;
- to form a balanced, attractive figure.
Contraindications for BBL surgery include:
- diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- there is a violation of natural metabolism;
- the period of bearing a child, as well as breastfeeding;
- patients who take vasoconstrictor and vasodilator drugs;
- people who suffer from infectious diseases, as well as chronic deterioration of the immune system;
- cancers at any stage (including after a course of chemotherapy);
- diabetes;
- patients who suffer from hepatitis, as well as HIV / AIDS;
- people with mental disorders.
As we can see from this list, overweight does not belong to contraindications for the BBL surgery.
How many procedures are needed?
Often you have to carry out more than one brazilian butt lift procedure to get the desired result. In practice, 2-3 operations are required, because fat can migrate, and only 30 percent of adipose tissue takes root. This phenomenon is because during the collection of material (adipose tissue), lipid cells are destroyed (due to broken intercellular connections) and fat “spreads” and is naturally excreted by the body.
Can I get a BBL if I’m overweight?
Yes, you can! However, you should note that the more excess weight you have, the more unpredictable the brazil butt lift results will be. Besides, overweight people can face a much more difficult rehabilitation period. The first brazil butt lift results will be noticeable immediately after surgery. Overweight people will also be able to see the result of the surgery immediately! But they will be able to enjoy the final BBL result a little later than patients with standard indicators of body weight. After the operation, the patient will have to remain in the hospital for at least another 48 hours. Overweight people should also prepare for complications after brazilian butt lift surgery. It will take about a month to recover the body after BBL. The more you are overweight, the more time will be required for rehabilitation, the later brazil butt lift results will occur. Special compression underwear is imperative. It helps maintain deformed soft tissue in a proper and well-fixed position. Besides, this type of laundry provides a gentle massage to the operated areas, which speeds up their regeneration. The minimum wearing period is 14 days.
The Preparation Stage as the Most Important Before the BBL Surgery
First of all, before the procedure, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination in the hospital, which will help to identify problems in the body, as well as identify possible risk factors and complications that have arisen. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with an anesthetist who will help you choose the right type of anesthesia according to your BMI. How long does the result last after the brazilian butt lift? The effectiveness of this method of lifting can be observed for several years after surgery.